Professor Yumuk graduated from Hacettepe University Medical School in Ankara. After completing his internal medicine residency, he became a reaserach fellow at University of Michigan School of Medicine division of endocrinology in 1993. In 1997 he completed clinical endocrinology fellowship program at University of Alabama School of Medicine. Currently he is working at Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes Division as a full professor. He is a founding member and current president of Turkish Association for the Study of Obesity; is currently serving as president elect for the European Association for
the Study of Obesity (EASO). He is a SCOPE Fellow, EASO-European Fellow in obesity management, and a member of the editorial board for Obesity Facts. Dr. Yumuk is an active fellow of American College of Endocrinology and American College of Physicians. He is a member of the Focus Area Expert Panel on Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition and a member of the Research Roadmap Steering Group of European Society of Endocrinology; a member of Obesity Canada CALIBRE scientific planning committee; a member of American
Association of Clinical Endocrinology Obesity Algorithm Task Force; a member of the MENA Working Group for World Obesity Federation; a member of The Obesity Society, Steering Committee for the Standards of Care for Obesity Clinical Practice in Adults; EASL-EASD-EASO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of NAFLD Delphi Panel member; EASL Lancet commission Fatty Liver Disease Research and Action Priorities collaborator and a member of the Policy Working Group of EASO. Dr. Yumuk’s research area is management of
obesity and type 2 diabetes. He has published numerous papers in national and international journals, and authored chapters in books in the field of endocrinology. He is also a reviewer for several journals including Obesity, Obesity Facts, Obesity Reviews, Clinical Obesity, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, European Journal of Internal Medicine, and Journal of Endocrinology.