Mehmet Sukru Sever was born in Antalya (1954); graduated from Cerrahpasa School of Medicine (1978), completed his nephrology fellowship at the Istanbul School of Medicine (ISM) (1990), and was trained on kidney transplantation at the Cleveland Clinic, US (1990). He served as the Chair of the Nephrology Department at ISM between 2004-2014. Although much of his work was on kidney transplantation, following the devastating Marmara earthquake-Turkey (1999) he focused on disaster medicine.
Dr. Sever functioned as a field doctor and disaster relief coordinator of the ISN in many disasters; e.g. the Marmara (1999), Bingol (2003), Van-Ercis (2011) earthquakes in Turkey, and Bam earthquake in Iran (2003). He served as the renal team leader of Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) (Doctors Without Borders) when he went to Pakistan for the Kashmir earthquake (2005), and Haiti for the Haiti earthquake (2010).
Dr. Sever took active part in many positions and activities of ERA-EDTA, and served as councilor (2012-2015), Scientific Advisory Board member (2014-2020), DESCARTES Workgroup Board member (2017-2023 ), Nephrology and Public Policy Committee Board member (Eastern Europe) (2018- ), Ethics Committee Board member (2019-2020), Chair of the Continuous Education and Professional Development (CEPD) ‘Acute Kidney Injury (2018-2021) and also transplantation subject editor of NDT (2007-2017). He also served for ISN in several positions, e.g. AKI Commission Board member (2004-2011), RDRTF Board member, ISN-COMGAN Eastern and Central Europe Committee Board member (2007-).
Dr. Sever received FERA degree (2012) and won ISN – Bywaters Award (2019).
In 2020 he was elected as Chair of Ethics Committe of ERA-EDTA.
He is currently author on >200 peer-reviewed publications in many international journals (including NEJM, Lancet, JASN, CJASN, Transplantation, Kidney Int, Nephrol Dial Transplant), and wrote chapters in major nephrology textbooks and UPTODATE.
Dr. Sever retired from his position at ISM, Department of Nephrology in 2021; however, still continues his academic work mainly on the fields of disaster nephrology and kidney transplantation.