Maria Hassapidou is a Professor in the department of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics of the International Hellenic University. She is also the Head of the post-graduate course on Nutrition and Dietetics and Head of the Human Nutrition research group.
She has coordinated and/or participated in many research projects funded by the EU (Health, Diets I and II, Healthgrain, EURRECA,JANPA,PROTEIN, BigO), the Greek Ministries of Health, Education, Research and Technology as well as food and pharmaceutical companies, in the areas of dietary assessment and nutritional evaluation, dietary treatment of obese patients with cardio metabolic diseases and childhood obesity.
She is the national coordinator in Greece for COSI (WHO European Childhood Surveillance Initiative), chair of NWG (Nutrition Working Group) of EASO, member of the EASO Childhood Obesity Task Force and chair of the European Specialized Dietetic Network (ESDN) of EFAD on Obesity. She is a member of the Hellenic Nutrition Policy Committee of the Greek Ministry of Health.
She has authored several books and has published more than 150 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals in the areas of nutrition and obesity. She is also member of the editorial board and reviewer in many related European and International journals.