David Sanders

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals & University of Sheffield,

Professor David S Sanders works in Sheffield, United Kingdom. He has published >500 peer reviewed papers (H-score > 90). He is internationally recognised for his work in coeliac disease and gluten related disorders.

He has received a number of research awards: European Rising Star Award (2010), Cuthbertson Medal (2011) and Silver Medal in 2017 (UK Nutrition Society), Swedish Gastroenterology Society Bengt Ihre Medal (2017) & the British Society for Gastroenterology (BSG) Hopkins prize for Endoscopy (2019).

The Sheffield Unit has recently been designated as the UK National Centre for Refractory Coeliac Disease (2019) and a World Endoscopy Organisation GI Centre of Excellence (2020). http://www.profdavidsanders.co.uk/