1995 High School Certificate, Liceo Scientifico “A.Calini”, Brescia, Italy
2001 Medical Degree, University of Brescia (110/110 cum laude)
2006 Specialization in Internal Medicine, University of Brescia (50/50 cum laude)
Previous and present Position held
2006-2007 Resident: Clinica Medica, University of Brescia
2007-2009 Clinical Assistant: Ospedale Domus Salutis (BS)
2009-2010 Clinical Assistant: Medical Division, Montichiari ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia
Since 2010 Clinical Assistant : 2nd Medical Division, ASST Spedali Civili di Brescia
Since 2023 Clinical Assistant: Urgency Medicine, ASST Spedali Civili di Brescia
Fellowships and grants
September 2002: Student grant, Italian Society of Hypertension
2005-2006: Research grant (Hopital European George Pompidou, Paris, France), Italian Society of Hypertension
– Member of the Italian Society of Hypertension (since 2001)
– Member of the Artery Society (since 2008)
– Member of the Working Group “Micro and macrocirculation” of the European Society of Hypertension and of the Italian Society of Hypertension (since 2007)
– Member of the Working Group “Hypertension and the heart” of the Italian Society of Cardiology (since 2012 member of the “nucleus” of the Working Group)
– Member of the Council of the “Artery Society” (2007-2011)
– Member of the Editorial Board of “Artery Research” (since 2007)
Scientific activity
Author of more than 150 articles “in extenso” on national and international peer review scientific journals.
Citations according to Researchgate n=5135, RG H-index= 30. More than 1000 abstracts.
Since 2001 Dr Paini is involved in research activity in the following topics:
-The pathophysiology of cardiac hypertrophy in essential hypertension
-The interrelationships between cardiac and vascular changes (structural-IMT and Plaque- and functional -aortic, carotid and systemic stiffness) and their regression after treatment in essential hypertension and in the general population.
-Clinical pharmacology and therapeutic use of cardiovascular drugs.