Adriana Mihaela Ilieșiu, MD PhD, studied medicine and music in Bucharest. She trained in Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest. She is currently a Senior Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology with the ”Prof. Dr. Th. Burghele” University Hospital. She has been the Head of the Coronary Intensive Care Department, and is currently leading the Division of Cardiology at Department of Medicine in the same hospital. Since 2005 she has been a fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, and since 2008 she has been a member of the Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography accreditation committee within the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI). She served as a member in the top management in national professional scientific societies, such as president of Echocardiography and Other Imaging Modalities Working Group of the Romanian Society of Cardiology, secretary of the Romanian Society of Cardiology and member of the board of the Romanian Society of Internal Medicine and of the Romanian Society of Cardiology. Her main professional interests are multimodality imaging of heart diseases, ischemic heart disease and heart failure. She is a reviewer or member in the Editorial Board for many journals. She has published one national monograph, 4 chapters in books by international publishers, many chapters in books by national publishers, and more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals. She was involved in many international and national clinical trials and grants. She is currently a member of the „Ermil Nichifor” Doctors’ Orchestra in Bucharest (piano, harpsichord).”