John Kellett MD qualified from Trinity College Dublin in 1970 and completed his internship at the Mountainside Hospital, Montclair, New Jersey, USA. He then worked for a year as a general practitioner in a Newfoundland out-port before completing a residency in internal medicine at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. In 1976 he moved to Winnipeg where he completed a four-year fellowship in endocrinology. During this time, he carried out research into growth hormone and growth factors, which were the subjects of his MD thesis. He returned to Ireland in 1980 as consultant physician to Nenagh Hospital, County Tipperary, Ireland. His main area of research interests are medical decision making, acute medical care, prognostication, and prediction models. Since 2012 he has collaborated in an ongoing quality improvement project based at Kitovu Hospital, Maskaka, Uganda. He is currently a visiting professor at the University of Bolton UK.